Messiah Mode, Michael J Foxx

Oct. 18, 2024 at 9:11 a.m. MDT

Uploaded by: Foxx506
Michael Messiah Earl achieved this status from RIAA for reaching iTunes #37 out of the Top 200 for their recording of Messiah Mode.

Feeling the need to write and record a song paying homage to my recent success, I didn't expect it to garner musical attention. To my surprise, I made the charts once again. The sense of accomplishment this brings makes the song worthwhile and fills me with pride.

This unexpected recognition has given me a new wave of inspiration. The journey of crafting lyrics, laying down the tracks, and seeing it all come together in a rhythm that resonates with listeners, has been incredibly fulfilling.

Each note, each lyric, reflects the journey I have undertaken, making this achievement even more meaningful. It's not just about the charts or the commercial success, but the personal growth and the stories that have been told through the music. Each stride on this musical journey has fuelled my passion, deepened my skills, and affirmed my belief in the power of music.